Where the Time Went


Christmas at Point Woronzof

December flew by in a blur. There was wrapping, packaging, sewing, working, cooking and finally the much needed crash. My blogging took a backseat during my down time; time well spent reading, crocheting, stitching and sleeping in. Here are a few of my favorite moments that we paused to capture in a photo.


Holiday gifts packaged for shipping


Cuddling with the kitties while watching the Back to the Future trilogy (we spend Christmas at home watching a movie marathon


Dexter in a sweater vest I crocheted for him


Fluffy in in her sweater vest


Troy making a fabric suggestion at a quilt shop – the chicken fabric did NOT come home with me


Sunset at the Glen Alps trailhead

4 thoughts on “Where the Time Went”

  1. Would love to see the video of you putting the vests on the cats – I don’t think my cat would tolerate that 🙂

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